There are so many different options for every product that you could want for your baby, it can be overwhelming. You can quite easily spend hours scouring the internet to determine which carseat is the safest, get given far to many opinions about which pram would be just right, and drive all over town trying on baby carriers to find the perfect one.
It doesn't need to be that time consuming and difficult!
A babywearing consultant has already done all the hard work researching the best carriers, fitting them on different body shapes to know what works best for who, and learning all the techniques, tips and tricks to show you how to use your carrier easily and safely.
If your research is overwhelming you,
If you have multiple carriers but none seem to be comfortable,
If you are concerned that you might not be using your carrier the right way to keep your child safe and secure,
Give me a call and we can organise a time to talk through your options or troubleshoot your carrier. Consultations start from as little as $45!