Our Consultant
Hello! I am Sarah, a babywearing consultant and the face behind Joy Riders Babywearing.
My babywearing journey started when my eldest child was born, with the gift of a stretchy wrap and an infant who loved to contact nap. Babywearing soon became an essential parenting tool for me.
Unfortunately, when I wanted to troubleshoot an uncomfortable carrier or learn a new skill, I really struggled to find the information I needed. The nearest babywearing groups were over an hours drive away, so I began to research on the internet. I read countless websites, trawled through comments threads on Facebook babywearing groups and watched many YouTube videos. The information I found was often contradictory, and I struggled to know what to trust.
And so my journey to become a babywearing consultant began. I have studied under both the Australian Babywearing Association and Slingababies UK, so that I can share with you the most up to date techniques following best practice guidelines. This means you can be assured you are carrying your child safely.
Your babywearing journey does not need to be nearly as difficult or as time consuming as mine was! Let me help you find the best babywearing solution for your family.