Babywearing with a Newborn
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Babywearing is such a powerful parenting tool. The fourth trimester can be so difficult, your newest family member is adjusting to the world around them and just want to stay close to you, and you will still be coming to grips with having this precious wee human in your life. Babywearing keeps your baby content, helps you learn their cues, and gives you that all important oxytocin boost to help with bonding. All while keeping your hands free to make a cup of tea or play with older siblings.
Learn how to babywear your newborn with confidence with this comprehensive guide to babywearing.
Babywearing with a Newborn has been designed following babywearing best practices by our qualified babywearing consultant, and includes all the tutorials, tips, tricks and troubleshooting guides you will need to master the buckle carrier and stretchy wrap with your newborn.
What Will I Learn?
The course covers babywearing safety and how to set up your stretchy wrap and buckle carriers both adjustable, with infant inserts and newborn specific carriers. There is an extensive section on tips and tricks to take your carrying to the next level and troubleshooting tips when you cant quite get it to look like the picture on the box. We also go over techniques for nursing and bottle feeding in the carrier and ways to keep you and baby comfortable while babywearing.
Though the course is targeted at newborn babies, the information in the buckle carrier section will also benefit caregivers who wish to carry older infants in a tummy to tummy carry.
Below are the topics of the lessons covered in the Babywearing with a Newborn course.
- Why carry?
- Before you carry your baby for the first time
Safety Considerations when Babywearing
- Minimising the two main risks
- Dressing for the temperature
- Nursing in your carrier
- Cradle carry
- Structural integrity - Safety standards, counterfeits & wear and tear
- The M-position and hip dysplasia
- Babywearing milestones
- Considerations when using head supports
Stretchy Wraps - The Basics
- Overview of stretchy wraps
- Two-way stretchy wraps - pre-tying your wrap, placing baby in the wrap
- One-way stretchy wraps - pre-tying your wrap, placing baby in the wrap & sizing it.
- One and two-way stretchy wraps - removing baby from the wrap
- Stretchy wrap specific considerations
Stretchy Wraps - Tips and Techniques
- Don't tangle the wrap
- Pelvic tuck
- Feet in or feet out
- Support for the head and neck
- Moving the fabric away from baby's face
- Variations for a nosey baby
- Feeding in a stretchy wrap
- What to do with the fabric on your shoulders
- Move the wrap, not the baby.
Stretchy Wraps - Troubleshooting
- My wrap is uncomfortable
- A sagging carrier
- It is too hot
- My baby doesn't like the carrier
- I cant do this in a carpark!
- My baby keeps leaning in the wrap
- Baby ended up too high
Buckle Carriers - The Basics
- Overview of buckle carriers
- Parts of a buckle carrier
- Getting set up - choosing a base size, using infant inserts, sizing the back panel, choosing a strap configuration
- Placing baby in the carrier - standard carriers, & newborn specific carriers
Buckle Carriers - Tips and Techniques
- Using H-strap configuration
- Using X-strap configuration
- Tightening the straps
- Pelvic Tuck
- Feeding in a buckle carrier
- Fit the carrier to the baby
- Head support
Buckle Carriers - Troubleshooting
- My back is sore
- I can't get it tight enough
- I can't do up the back strap
- The carrier is coming up over my baby's face
- My baby isn't supported enough
- I cant get the M-position
- My baby's spine isn't curved
- Do I still need the infant insert?
- My carrier is digging in under the armpits
- The carrier straps are digging into my neck
Other things to consider
- Are there other options
- Care of your carrier
The information contained in this course is intended for assistance in babywearing newborns who are full term and do not have any significant health complications. If your child is premature or has any other significant health issues, then I recommend a one on one consultation which is tailored to your specific needs.
This information is meant to supplement the instructions that the manufacturer provides with your carrier, not replace it. Please always refer to the safety information contained in the manual that came with your wrap or carrier.

Free fit check
We offer a free online fit check with every carrier you purchase from Joy Riders. Once you have received your carrier, contact us to organise a time for your video call fit check.
Not sure which option is right for you?
Contact usI am always happy to have a chat and help you decide which carrier or consultation option is right for you. Get in touch today to discuss your needs.

Feel Confident as you Carry
At Joyriders we pride ourselves in providing quality carriers and following best practice carrying recommendations. This means that you can have complete confidence that you and your baby will be comfortable and safe on your babywearing journey.